Several Affordable Care Act  provisions that have "remained under the public's radar" are women's health-related, according to a Kaiser Health Newslist of 10 little-known elements of the law. The following is from the Daily Women's Health Policy Report from the National Partnership for Women and Families.

One such provision reauthorizes funding through 2014 to states for sex education programs that teach students that abstinence is "the only certain way to avoid out-of-wedlock pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and other associated health problems."

Another provision calls on the National Institute of Mental Health to conduct a study on the causes and effects of postpartum depression. The law also authorized $3 million in 2010 and more funds as needed in 2011 and 2012 to support services for women at risk of postpartum depression.

The health reform law also requires employers with 50 or more workers to provide women who are breastfeeding with a private location to pump and "reasonable break time" to do so.

Another section in the law requires CDC to carry out an educational campaign targeted at young women about "the occurrence of breast cancer and the general and specific risk factors in women who may be at high risk for breast cancer based on familial, racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds such as Ashkenazi Jewish populations" (Schultz/Torres, Kaiser Health News, 7/12).



Abstinence education rarely impacts the targeted audience relative to the dollars spent.

I wander if after bringing sex education program that teach abstinence will really make a difference. What is the next step? Preaching marriage before sex? Because with 50% chance of divorce I have more chance to die broke than having a transmitted disease. Knowledge is power. Let them know better.

I really think the thought is nice but realistically, how many women bring their breastfeeding children to work? I could be way off on what I would assume, however, if the employer was to allow the employee to bring an infant to work I could also assume other accommodations would have already been met.

I definitely think that the breast cancer discussion should take place in schools. It is important for young girls to be aware of what to recognize as breast cancer symptoms and also their individual risks.