Message from the Directors
"We stand at the beginning of a century where enormous gains in women’s health research are possible. We know in order to improve women’s health beyond the reproductive system we must increase knowledge of sex differences across all disciplines. This requires that all research studies — basic science, translational and clinical — are designed to include sex and gender variables where the results are analyzed and reported by sex."
Since its inception the WHRI has been actively changing the face of women’s health by:
- Increasing the number of women in clinical studies through our statewide registry
- Creating awareness on the importance of sex and gender to hundreds of health professionals through our monthly scientific forums and to the general public through our newsletters and social media sites
- Authoring key, high-impact journal articles on the rationale for sex inclusion in all cell, tissue, animal, and human research that are changing policy at the National Institute of Health and the Federal Drug Administration
- Creating mentorship opportunities that feed the pipeline of women in the biomedical sciences
- Developing interactive tools to help women make informed decisions about their health
- Serving as an authoritative source about women’s health research to the national media outlets including CBS 60 Minutes
- Funding pilot projects that examine sex differences and help advance the careers and funding for young investigators committed to sex inclusion
Now is the time to catalyze these gains in sex-based biology into the most comprehensive health for both women and men. We are a voice for innovations that give birth to an entirely redesigned definition of women’s health.

Teresa K. Woodruff, Ph.D.
Founder and Co-Director

Marla Mendelson, MD
Northwestern University
Women's Health Research Institute