Posted by on June 27, 2013 - 2:21pm

There’s a new “toy” in the surgical wing at the UC Irvine Medical Center that’s causing surgical oncologists to perform 56% less duplicate breast cancer surgeries.  It’s called MarginProbe, and it detects whether surgeons have removed all of a woman’s breast cancer cells during surgery, reducing the necessity of a second operation.  This sterile, handheld device sends electromagnetic signals to the bodily tissues surrounding a surgical incision, which are then transmitted and analyzed to determine whether any unhealthy tissue remains in the breast.

Before this device, 60% of lumpectomy patients were sent back to the operating room because some cancerous tissue was missed in the initial surgery.  Furthermore, these patients would have had to wait up to a week before pathologists could determine whether all malignant cells were removed.  Now, with MarginProbe, the tissue is analyzed instantaneously, while the patient is still in surgery, increasing the surgeon’s likelihood of eradicating the cancerous cells on the first try.

One surgical oncologist at UC Irvine, who had begun using the probe in March, said, “This new technology is a game changer for early-stage breast cancer surgery, and we’re already seeing better results!”  With lumpectomies serving as the standard procedure for two-thirds of the new breast cancer cases each year, this probe is bound to make a large splash in the effective treatment “pool.”  The FDA eagerly approved the MarginProbe after Dune Medical Devices developed the prototype in 2012.  UC Irvine was selected to use MargineProbe in a clinical trial, which included over 660 women nationally.  Well on its way to becoming a staple in the oncologist’s tool belt, the MarginProbe also promises to reduce healthcare costs by decreasing the necessity of follow-up surgeries, saving up to $6,000 per patient.  This new probe will prove to be instrumental in providing high quality patient care for women afflicted with breast cancer.

Source: HealthlineNews


Posted by on January 8, 2012 - 6:13am

Today, I walked by a filled meeting room and overheard someone say,  " I never open my paper mail any more."   It sounded like the group was discussing email banking and other electronic transactions.   Though I still pay my bills by snail mail, I recognize  the potential benefits of the latest phone and computer apps--I'm just not ready for it!    Email and facebook has reconnected families and opened communications lines that enable busy, overworked people to keep you posted on their latest activities.




What does concern me is the loss of the wonderful art of letterwriting.   Does anyone remember when love letters were saved and tied in ribbon?  What about those letters you received at camp or when you first went away to college?   The handwritten letter meant someone was really thinking about you and missed you.  The letter was even more special if the writing itself was beautiful or if the bold print of a child was accompanied by a colorful crayola picture!    Today, many of us still find old letters in boxes that are stored away in our sheds and closets from families and friends.   Somehow, opening a computer file just doesn't work quite the same when it comes to nostalgia and fond memories.