The Endocrine Society recently released their guidelines for the treatment and symptoms of menopuse. Chaired by Cynthia A. Stuenkel, MD, these clinical practice guidelines provide new recommendations on the importance of tailoring treatments to suit a woman's individual symptoms, health history, and preferences. Teaching your patients that menopause is a normal, natural transition in life that begins between the ages of 35-55 may help them through this transitional phase. Every woman will experience menopause differently, so your clinical practices must be tailored to each patient. 

Your patients may have heard that one of the ways to manage the symptoms associated with menopause is to replace the hormones they are losing with one of several types of prescription drugs known as hormone therapy (HT)--but they might have some questions about hormone therapy or have heard rumors that it is not safe. There are many types of hormone therapies, and if you are interested in exploring these different options with your patients, please watch the Endocrine Society's online lecture discussing the Treatments of the Symptoms of Menopause (found here!). This lecture, complete with audio and slides will review the primary therapies available to patients so that you might help them decide which option is best in regards to their symptoms, health history, and preferences. Once you learn more about your options as a clinician, you can help your patient make informed decisions as they go through the stages of menopause! Also consider inviting your patients to take the Women's Health Research Institute's Menopause Self-Assessment, as this may help them place their own menopause experience in a personal context.