Summer allows more time for children to play outdoors, but when kids (and grown-ups, too) are covered with bug bites after spending time outside, we start to worry about disease spread by ticks, such as Lyme disease, or by mosquitoes, such as West Nile virus. Luckily, there are simple steps to prevent bites and diseases spread by bugs.  The US Center for Disease and Prevention Control offers some good suggestions.  Click HERE to see the fact sheet.  It also provides information on Lyme disease and maps that show West Nile activity.




i am having a question regarding this . we all use sprays at home so that we can get rid of them . i have heard that sprays are not good for our health like it causes some problems in breathing . is that true ? plz answer so that we can continue their use . EDITOR's NOTE: Supposedly they are safe but I certain would avoid breathing in the sprays as much as possible and only use as directed.