One of the country's most popular and long-standing science magazines, Scientific American, is dedicating an entire issue to the topic of sex and gender. The September issue, which is currently available on newsstands and on-line, features various articles on gender myths, biological determinants of sex, and the importance of sex- and gender-based research.

Prominently featured on the cover is the saying, "It's Not a Woman's Issue: Everybody has a stake in the new science of sex and gender." While longtime supporters of the WHRI may argue that the science of sex and gender is not exactly new, the dialogue this issue creates is profound.

In an introductory piece, the editors of the magazine echo our sentiments stating, "More energy must be devoted as well to researching how diseases affect the sexes differently—and to adapting medical treatments to women's needs [1]." The WHRI applauds Scientific American for promoting sex- and gender-inclusive research and encourages investigators to heed this call to action!

1. "This is Not a Women's Issue." Scientific American. Sept. 2017: 30-31.