Did you know that 15% of women are diagnosed with Hypoactive Sexual-Desire Disorder (H.S.D.D)?  This disorder is characterized by a lack of female desire coupled with significant emotional distress, primarily in post-menopausal women.  A recent article in The New York Times placed Dutch psychopharmacologist Adriaan Tuiten in the spotlight for his new research studies on sex differences.  Tuiten, who has spent his career studying biological and psychological interactions, may have unlocked some the intricacies of female desire via his study on possibly the first, successful female-desire drug.

The publicized misnomer that this drug will be a “female Viagra” simplifies its actual complexity.  Ongoing studies in this field since 1998 unequivocally show that the male and female impetus for desire differs significantly, especially in the brain.  While both male and female desire stem from similar areas of the brain, studies show that, over time, female desire wanes at a significantly higher rate than observed in males.

How can women combat this atrophy of desire?  Tuiten tested and observed 420 female subjects beginning in the fall of 2011 to answer just that.  His drugs Lybrido and Lybridos are expected to be presented shortly to the F.D.A., and may be on the market by 2016 following a larger-scale trial.

Guest Author:  Megan Castle



