We all know that eating sweet and starchy foods is not the best for our health: but did you know that these foods have been found to increase a woman’s risk of endometrial cancer?  Endometrial cancer begins in the uterus and, if it progresses, can lead to a hysterectomy, or even death.  Dr. Bandera, of Rutgers University, found that foods containing refined sugar or white flour (found in sweet and starchy foods) can increase one’s glycemic load, which can greatly increase one’s risk for endometrial cancer.  The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) estimated that 59% of endometrial cancer cases could be prevented in the United States if women exercise for at least 30 minutes daily and maintained a healthy body weight.  Estrogen is a known cause for endometrial cancer, and as fat cells secrete estrogen, obesity has been shown as a major cause of this cancer.

Bandera states, “women who are obese have two to three times the rate of endometrial cancer” than those who exercise and maintain a healthy body weight. Bandera also revealed an unexpected piece of research that points to how a certain beverage can protect a woman against endometrial cancer.  Interestingly, eight studies have found that coffee can actually lower this risk.  Coffee helps regulates insulin and is loaded with antioxidants—both of which can reduce one’s risk of this type of cancer.  While Bandera stresses other not-so-positive side effects of coffee (“everything in moderation!”), the decrease in endometrial cancer risk is pretty exciting.

Source: Today Health

