I just received a FDA email about the safety of color additives in food.   What caught my eye was the subheading:  "Without color additives, colas wouldn't be brown, margarine wouldn't be yellow and mint ice cream wouldn't be green."   I  wonder if colorless food could help reduce the obesity epidemic!!!   Seriously, to read the article, click here.



There are many video's on youtube about food coloring and such including but not limiting to some of the effects they have on us. Some people even go as far as to say they cause cancer and such because our body cant break them down. I think the fda is too easy on allowing to much colorings and such to our food.

When My God Son Was acting up at a Early age his doctor told my sister to cut red dye out of his food and it help all the dyes in food and expecialy soda and juices really arent that good for you

"The obesity epidemic will not be reversed until the broad population is taught eating habits and routines that lead to a healthy life, as well as the importance of leading a physically active lifestyle." I agree with this comment whole heartedly as my health was suffering from obesity. I'm on blood pressure tablets and cholesterol tablets, but I manage to cut the dose after changing my life style, which is great.

I have to say I think the biggest benefit of getting rid of all these unnecessary color additives is the health or our kids. I've noticed VERY noticeable reactions to certain heavily died / colored foods in my kids. It's common sense that something so foreign doesn't belong in our bodies, yet it's kinda 'protocol'. I tried to stay away from those kinds of foods for the overall health...but to the article's premise, is probably very healthy for weight issues as well. thanks!

all the colors added to food items to boost up its appearance, smell and taste are always harmful for humans and animals. So stay away from colored food for a better and healthy life.

I recommend people to keep away from all those processed foods and instead use whole whole foods. It is pricy, but you maintain good health than those additives you are not sure what else has been added. Eat healthy and exercise to lose weight.

Excellent Colorless food should be taken into consideration, because a lot of people are into a dangerous diet lifestyle.

The last mile is always the hardest – this is never more true than when dieting to reach your ideal weight. The tips here are sound advice: recognizing your achievements thus far is absolutely key to further success.

I think the concern about use of colorings seems a little over-rated. What we should be more concerned about its probably the excessive consumption of processed foods. If your diet is rich in natural whole foods, you probably won't be getting much of these coloring stuff anyway.

The only thing I have ever tried in terms of weight loss and food color is to cut out any food that can be white, including bread, eggs, rice etc. This led me to a low carbohydrate, high protein diet and I found that with exercise, I shed weight quite quickly.

I'm wondering how I would react if I went to a restaurant and they brought me a plate of colourless food. Would eat it? Yes. But would I enjoy it? I'm not quite sure. The damage has been done, I'm already conditioned to enjoy food with colour...

Yes, artificial food colouring may be cause for metabolic malfunction--nobody can discount the possibility. However, it is a fact that brightly coloured fruits and veggies pack a punch of phytonutrients. Eat brightly colored natural food and avoid colored processed food.

Something else that is pretty scary is the quantity of these "dyes" that are derived from petroleum. Add on top of that all the plastic that so much food is stored in (also from petroleum) and it's not very surprising that our cancer rates are increasing. It's always best to stick with as many natural and organic foods as you can afford.
