Dr. Paula Stern is honored with the Louis V. Avioli Founders Award
Source: Throb
By: Diane Kelly
Anyone who’s been paying attention knows that high school sex education in the United States is an unholy mess. And as a result, an alarming number of students enter college with little knowledge about how their bodies work in terms of reproductive health.
Teresa Woodruff and Megan Castle
Source: The Conversation
Click Here to Listen to Radio Segment
Synopsis: Only about a third of research subjects in clinical studies are women. In basic research on animals and cells, female models are even more poorly represented. This results in poor understanding of how new drugs work on women and occasional drug recalls when major side effects are discovered after the fact. Experts discuss why such an imbalance occurs, its results, and how the problem is being addressed.
Reposed from: SfN Neuronline
Better Oversight Needed to Help Ensure Continued Progress Including Women in Health Research
GAO-16-13: Published: Oct 22, 2015. Publicly Released: Oct 23, 2015.
What GAO Found
Watch Dr. Teresa Woodruff's October Research Forum presentation on "Sex Inclusion in Basic Research: Disruptive Technology, Adaptive Behavior, Sound Investment, Better Medicine"
Click Image Above or Here to view video.
Hunter Clauss | September 28, 2015 2:07 pm
Northwestern student or not, you can get in on this class.
September 22, 2015 •
A Northwestern professor will be teaching a sex ed class as part of a new series of massive open online courses this fall that will also add two specialized programs.
The Washington Post
There’s a lot that many college freshman don’t know about sex. And when they don’t know something, they often stay in the dark, too afraid or embarrassed to ask about it.
Chicago Sun-Times
A new online Northwestern University “Sex 101” class aims to demystify the subject for freshmen, without leaving parents scratching their heads, as some did following a live sex-toy demonstration on campus in 2011.
In a series of short videos, students will able to learn the basics about sex and reproduction, said Teresa Woodruff, vice chair for research in obstetrics and gynecology at the Feinberg School of Medicine.