Want to be a WHSP Science Sister?
If you are a high school student attending a Chicago Public School and you love science, check out one of the Women's Health Science Program (WHSP) free annual academies or workshops!
In order to be considered for one of our programs, the following online forms must be submitted: a student application (with personal statement) and a parent/guardian support form. After all applications are carefully reviewed, selected applicants will be invited to attend the program.
Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus/Covid-19 pandemic and out of concern for the health and well-being of our students, the Women's Health Science Program for 2020 has been cancelled.

Oncofertility Science Academy
Oncofertility is a new discipline that bridges oncology and reproductive medicine in order to discover and apply new fertility preservation options for young patients with fertility-threatening diseases or treatments. The Oncofertility Science Academy (OSA) is a one-week summer program offering a sequence of challenging, thematic workshops that allow high school girls to explore the fields of reproductive science, cancer biology and oncofertility. The OSA students work closely with the Woodruff Lab at Northwestern University.
Infectious Disease Summer Academy
The Infectious Disease Summer Academy (IDSA) is one-week summer program designed to engage high school girls to explore basic science, clinical and public health, and career options in the areas of infectious disease and microbiology.
Women's Health Summer Academy
WHSP is happy to announce the Women's Health Summer Academy! The curriculum is a comprehensive compilation of the most engaging modules, lectures, and experiments from both the infectious disease and oncofertility academies. High school girls will experience both the Oncofertility and Infectious Disease curriculums as they explore basic science, reproductive medicine, and a comprehensive view on women's health.